
Peter is Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research at the University of Canterbury, where he is responsible for strategic leadership and overall academic performance of the University and in particular, maintaining and advancing the University’s research profile, and the development of research collaborations.

Paul is the Science Leader for Clean Technologies at Scion. Paul has over 25 years experience in a variety of roles developing new technologies and business opportunities in biofuels. His team at Scion are investigating new economic opportunities in industrial biorefining, bioenergies and bio-based substitutes for petrochemicals.

Michael is the co-convenor of the Otago Energy Research Centre, a large multidisciplinary network of energy researchers at the University of Otago. He is also an Associate Professor in the Physics Department and the Director of its Energy Programme.

Sheena is the Interim General Manager Research, Strategy and Partnerships. She leads GNS’s research direction and strategy, innovation, business development and the generation of new revenue stream.

Tina is the Executive Director of the BusinessNZ Energy Council (the New Zealand member committee of the World Energy Council). She is responsible for the development of policy on matters relating to energy, transport and innovation. Her work includes the management of BEC’s cross-sector energy scenarios and the World Energy Council’s tools such as the Energy Trilemma Index, Energy Issue Maps and other energy innovation projects.
Chief Executive

Simon is part-time at NERI. In the balance of his time he is MD of, Executive Director of Blended Fuel Solutions NZ Ltd and Nufuels Ltd, and convener of the Liquid Biofuels Interest Group of the Bioenergy Association of NZ. He has had senior roles in public policy and been active in business organisations including running the NZ Manufacturers Federation.
Hon. Treasurer

Gerry is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Otago, and was a founding trustee of NERI and past Chair. He continues his involvement as Hon. Treasurer.